CLS Auto Job Manager

CLS Auto Job Manager


The CLS Auto Job Manager plugin is a feature that is developed by Chambury to allow for the automatic assigning of job assignments into a users profile. This includes creating and assigning a users manager, assigning a user a temp manager and suspending a users account based on profile fields. All the processes are based off of scheduled tasks that are configurable in the front end of the system, this also allows you to chose when you want users to be updated and their job assignments changed.


The first settings allow you to configure plugin wide settings that will effect the plugin as a whole and not certain parts of the plugin. It is important to note that if you are going to use auto job manager that it can only update one job assignment per user and it will only update job assignments where the idnumber is set to 1:

This option allows you to make it so that the auto job manager plugin will check if there has been an update within the last number of minutes and then only updates these users. This means only users who have had their profiles recently updated are going to be affected, and removes any old users who might no longer be active.
Bypass Multi Job Assignment 
This option allows auto job manager to work even if you have multiple job assignments enabled, however it will still only update the one job assignment and not both.


The Manager tab in the settings contains the configuration for the manager updating and assigning part of the auto job manager, the settings and what they do can be found below: 

Manager Username
This option allows you to chose which field the Manager Username will be pulled from to create the job assignment. This is important as if this is mapped incorrectly or the information put in the field doesn't match a users username in the system, the auto job manager won't be able to map to a user and will not create a job assignment.
Delete Manager
This option when enabled will make it so that any suspended users will have their manager deleted from their job assignment, meaning that they will no longer appear on any reports for that manager.

Temp Manager

The Temp Manager tab like the manager tab includes all the configuration for updating temp manager and assigning temp manager features in the auto job manager plugin, the settings and what each does can be found below -

Temp Manager Username
This option allows you to chose which field the Temp Manager username will be pulled from to create the job assignment. This is important as if this is mapped incorrectly or the information put in the field doesn't match a users username in the system, the auto job manager won't be able to map to a user and will not create a job assignment.
Temp Manager Date
This option allows you chose which field the Temp Manager expiry date will be mapped to, important to note that this field can only be mapped to another date field.


The suspend tab contains all the settings for the suspend feature in the auto job manager plugin, the settings for this can be found below -

This option allows you to map a date field and if the date is in the past, auto job manager will suspend the account. If the date is in the future and the unsuspend option is enabled auto job manager will also unsuspend the account.
This option when enabled allows the auto job manager to also unsuspend users if the suspend date is in the future and the account is suspended.


The Others tab contains additional settings including the rest of the mappings for the job assignment fields -

Job Assignment Fullname
This option allows you to choose a text input field where it will pull the name of the job assignment from, note that this will only work with single job assignment and will not work with multi job assignment.
Appraiser Username
This option allows you to choose which field the job assignment will pull the appraiser from, the same as the manager and temp manager username this needs to be a text field.
Position ID
This option allows you to choose which field the position populates from, this needs to be a text field and should be populated with an id number for a position.
Organisation ID
This option allows you to choose which field the organisation populates from, this needs to be mapped to a text field and the text field needs to be populated with the ID number of the organisation.
Short Name
This option allows you to choose which field you would like the short name of the job assignment to be populated from, this needs to be mapped to a text field.
This option allows you to choose which field you would like the description of the job assignment to be populated from, this needs to be mapped to a text field.


The Log tab contains all the settings that relate to the logs for the auto job manager and how long the logs are kept for, it is important to note that the more this is set to run/keep information the slower the report will be -

Enable Log
This option will enable the auto job manager to start recording logs of any changes/creations of job assignment that are done.
Keep Log For 
This option allows you to choose how long a log is kept, as noted above the longer you keep logs for, the more of an impact this can have on your site and we recommend you keep this set to 1 month.

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