The Automated HR Import is a process which allows you to upload .CSV files to our SFTP. A script created by us will pick up the files from the SFTP and upload and run them on the site allowing for the uploading of the HR import files to be automatic. This allows you to automatically update users via HR import as well as choose when the files should be uploaded and users updated.
Steps for set-up
After you have spoken to your LMS consultant at Chambury about setting up the Automated HR Import, we will then work through the set up steps below to get you connected to the SFTP as well as setting up the script to pick up the files from the SFTP.
Step 1
The first step for getting the process set up is for you to provide us with templates for what you would need uploading. This will need to be a .csv file with all of the headers that you will want to use. If you want the automated HR import for multiple different HR import sources for example users, job assignments and position, you would need to send a separate .csv with the headers for each. Once you have sent us the files, we will then start testing the headers either on your staging site or our own testing site to make sure that the headers link into fields on the system and that the files will work with the HR import as we would expect.
For an example of what the file needs to look at, see below -
Example headers for a user upload.
Step 2
The second step after someone from Chambury has checked that the headers for the uploads that you have sent look correct is for you to provide us with your companies public SSH key. This will then allow us to provide you with access to our SFTP which is the location where you will be uploading the HR import files. This will mostly likely be held by your IT department and will need to be provided before moving forwards with the process. Once this has been sent we will then give you access to the SFTP.
Step 3
The third step will be for you to upload your first files to the SFTP. Once these have been uploaded the development team will check that they can see the files. They will then start work on creating the script which will pick up the files from the SFTP and feed them into your site's HR import upload area.
Step 4
The fourth step after your first file has been loaded is to check your data and make sure that everything looks the way you would expect to with the file uploaded. This will also allow you to make any amendments to the to the headers on your file as you see fit.
Once the above steps have been finished, your automated HR import will then be in place ready to use. This will mean that all you need to do is add the files to the SFTP when you need them and then wait for the time that was specified on the script to be reached and the file will then run and should update users.
If you are interested in the above, please contact your learning consultant/account manager.